Australians are generous people.
But few are more generous than those who are organ and tissue donors. Few are more courageous than the families who honour and respect the wish of a loved one by consenting to organ and tissue donation. We thank and acknowledge all donors and their families. You have saved lives restoring health and improving the quality of life of fellow Australians. This sculpture is a lasting legacy to all of you. It is only appropriate that we recognise and remember donors in this way.
This sculpture represents the culmination of 5 years of work. It has been fashioned from the vision of the families of donors, from the efforts of those who believed and supported the project, enabled by the generous financial support of the Organ and Tissue Authority, and with committed leadership by Dr Bruce Powell, then State Director of DonateLife WA. We are also grateful to the Town of Cambridge, who embraced and supported the vision and led the efforts to identify and support the commissioning of the sculpture and the building of this site.
Of the sculpture itself, the passion of the artist is clear to see. That the figures look to the horizon thoughtfully challenges all who dwell for a moment to consider and acknowledge the generosity of organ and tissue donors and their families. Transplant recipients will visit here and spend a moment in silent respect and gratitude. The selflessness of the donors and families embodies that which we all admire. We thank you.
It takes courage to acknowledge that we will not live forever, to acknowledge that things can happen without warning, that we might meet an untimely death from injury or disease. It is courageous, and generous, to make a commitment to register as an organ and tissue donor. It is courageous of families to respect and support the wish of a loved one and consent for organ and tissue donation to go ahead.
This Life Project, in addition to acknowledging and showing our respect for our organ and tissue donors, aims to promote awareness of organ and tissue donation and to promote the value and importance of people registering on the Australian Organ Donor Register (AODR). Surveys show that over 70% of Australians support organ and tissue donation, but less than half who indicate that they would consider becoming a registered organ donor actually register.
We are pleased to be able to provide you with a more detailed history of the Life Project.
There is also a link to the Australian Organ Donor Registry You can register in a few moments right now, if this site has encouraged you to be courageous like the Australians before you who we honour here. Please consider joining the hundreds of thousands of Australians who are currently registered and have committed to help others.
Thank you.
Dr Simon C Towler
Acting State Medical Director
DonateLife WA